Friday, July 15, 2011

Find HTC ICC Guilty Of Violating The Patent Of Apple Two | HTC ITC found guilty of violating two patents for Apple, the call is expected in 3 ... 2

Wall begins to talk about the weekend. International Trade Commission has just adopted an preliminary ruling on the pending patent infringement case between HTC and Apple (not to cost confused on another similar case, in which Apple and Samsung), and isn't looking good as HTC. The judge found that the HTC has failed 2 away of 10 patents in question, and if these ends up flushing through, you can choose the HTC products should be banned by ever arriving in the U.S.A.. A lot likely, however, the solution by 2 during the war, the HTC pay innumerable greenbacks in exchange as withdrawal by blocking the launch of Apple. "Sure, it's hard to say how this adversely affect other Android call manufacturers, many by whom may face the same kind of legal obstacles. Of course, HTC has already said he will appeal the decision, as the team's Cupertino office is left in the mother. And, you know, smiling slyly.

Update: All Things D reports that the 2 patents in question is five,946,647 and 6,343,263, the first is called "fundamental to Android." It is also worth nothing that the patent is that .. supported by an independent Motorola vs. Apple battle That said, we are not to judge yet Lei HTC General Council said: HTC vigorously fight these two patents by the remaining commissioners called on the ICC to make the decision end. We're confident that we have an strong case for the appeals process and the ICC is fully prepared to defend ourselves by altogether means


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